When Your Child Is Injured: 5 Survival Tips for Parents of Atlanta Accident Victims

It is every parent's worst nightmare.  Your child is seriously injured in an Atlanta auto accident.  The injury takes up your whole life.  It is hard to think beyond the fact that your child is hurt and possibly fighting for his life.  
However, your child is depending on you.  These five tips for maintaining normalcy come from the Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund (KADMF) which provides advocacy, information and assistance to parents of seriously ill and injured children.
  1. Ask for and accept help. Your friends and family may feel helpless, but they want to help.  Don't be afraid to rely on friends to pick up your other children from school, cook a meal, or provide some free babysitting.  These acts of kindness can make a big difference.
  2. Take care of yourself. Sleepless nights and worry will take their toll on your emotions and your appearance. Remembering to shower, change your clothes, and brush your teeth and hair can make you feel a little more capable and a little less like the world is out of your control.
  3. Exercise. Take at least 15 minutes a day to hit the gym or take a walk or workout with a video.  Those 15 minutes will boost your immune system and help your body deal with stress. Remember if you are sick, you can't be there for your child.
  4. Eat healthily. Parents with seriously injured children often forget to eat or overeat to deal with the stress.  This can cause you to get run down or sick.  Try to eat something healthy at regular intervals.  Hospital food isn't known for its health factor, but you can have a friend bring you fruit, crackers, cheese or even a home-cooked meal.
  5. Find a shoulder to lean on.  Trust your spouse, parent, best friend, or significant other with your thoughts and feelings - even the negative ones.  They can help you deal with the fear, sadness, grief and anger and help you make difficult decisions.
Atlanta auto injury lawyer Shane Smith has one more tip.  Speak to an Atlanta auto injury lawyer.  The Georgia injury attorney may be able to help you and your family get both accountability and compensation for your child's car accident injury. Don't let financial stress and insurance loopholes take your attention away from your child.  Contact Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 to schedule a free legal consultation.
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