Brain Damage After Hitting a Dashboard in an Atlanta Auto Accident

There are a number of ways and events in which people can seriously injure their heads. One of the most common ways is hitting your head against the dashboard or windshield of a car in an Atlanta auto accident. In the course of hitting your head, a concussion, skull fracture, or traumatic brain injury could be the result.

Although the brain is surrounded by fluid to absorb the force of an impact, the brain can shift in some impacts, especially during rapid deceleration. When this happens, the brain can suffer damages such as:

  • Tissue damage
  • Blood vessel damage
  • Torn membranes
  • Swelling of the brain
  • Cerebral hemorrhaging

When a brain swells due to the damage it endures, it forces brain tissues to put pressure on the inside of the skull—resulting in more damage. However, not all head injuries cause life-threatening results. The force of the crash is generally proportionate to the injuries sustained, which may range from mild to severe.

When a severe brain injury occurs in a crash, it could result in:

  • Amnesia
  • Memory loss
  • Long term behavioral problems
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Migraines
  • Permanent brain loss
  • Disability
  • Death

Some of the symptoms of a serious brain injury could include headaches, fatigue, blurred vision, trouble balancing, loss of consciousness, and trouble processing information. Sometimes, people aren’t aware that they have any of the above-mentioned symptoms so they don’t get their head evaluated after hitting it. Additionally, some people may have a headache, but because they don’t see bleeding or because they know their skulls haven’t been punctured, they dismiss the possibility that anything could be wrong.

It is critical to remember that anytime a head strikes a dashboard, steering wheel, or any other object, then the next 24 hours are the most critical. People should not dismiss getting their heads examined. Just because there may not be a loss of consciousness, bleeding, or a puncture to the skull does not mean that internal swelling and bruising didn’t occur.

Sadly, the force of an accident can be enough to cause severe damage to the brain and traumatic brain injuries often result from car accidents.  If you were injured in a car crash that was not your fault, you may have rights to a financial recovery for your brain injury. Call a knowledgeable Atlanta brain injury lawyer at Shane Smith Law today for a free consultation at (980) 246-2656 to find out more.

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