Choose an Atlanta Auto Injury Attorney That Knows the Law

If you were injured in an Atlanta traffic accident, the insurance company will want to know who was at fault for the crash. In order to prove liability, your Atlanta auto injury attorney will have to show that the other driver behaved recklessly or broke Georgia motor vehicle laws.

Suppose your car is t-boned in Atlanta by a driver who ran a red light. The driver may argue that the light was just turning yellow when he entered the intersection, so he is not at fault. Is it your word against his word?

Georgia code § 40-6-20 governs traffic control devices such as traffic lights. It is the statute that requires all drivers, except drivers of emergency vehicles, to follow the directions of a traffic control device unless specifically told to do otherwise by a law enforcement officer. A Georgia car accident lawyer who is familiar with the statute will know that traffic camera photographs can be used as legal proof of a traffic light violation as long as the cameras are properly positioned. The attorney may be able to request the pictures of the Atlanta intersection accident, so he can prove that the other driver truly was liable for your injuries.

At the Law Office of Shane Smith, our Atlanta auto injury attorneys stay up-to-date on the latest changes to Georgia traffic code. We believe that knowing the law is the best way to help our clients. We even post this code on our website, so you can read it for yourself.

If you would like to discuss your Georgia accident injury claim with an Atlanta car accident lawyer, contact Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656. The initial consultation is free and there is no obligation.

To learn more about your rights as an accident victim, request a free copy of Shane Smith's book, 10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case.

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