Will the Commercial Trucking Company Attempt to Destroy Evidence After a Truck Accident in Georgia?

Sometimes after Atlanta trucking accidents the trucking company may attempt to destroy evidence to avoid being the one at auto accident fault and having to pay you a settlement.Trucking regulations require drivers involved in an accident to take certain steps to report an accident but if they do not, you could have a hard time supporting your personal injury claim. A truck accident attorney in Atlanta can take a look at your case and determine whether or not you have grounds for a case and what to do if the company goes against trucking regulations and destroys the evidence.

Most people think that if a legitimate trucking company is involved in Atlanta trucking accidents they would not destroy evidence, but unfortunately, the destruction of evidence in many cases do happen. To avoid being found liable for auto accident fault, the driver of a truck involved in an accident might:  

  • flee the scene;
  • replace the tires on  the truck; or
  • fix any damage before the accident is reported and not tell their supervisor they were involved in an accident.

All of these actions are against trucking regulations and should be taken seriously.

If you are involved in Atlanta Big Rig Wreck where a driver or trucking company tried to destroy evidence you will need the help of a truck accident attorney in Atlanta to fight for you in court against a driver who did not follow trucking regulations and is trying to avoid auto accident fault.  Don’t wait to contact a truck accident attorney in Atlanta as you could only have limited time to file a claim and hold the trucking company responsible for their actions. 

Providing the Legal Help You Need after an Atlanta Trucking Accident

To learn more about the rights of accident victims and what you can do to protect your case, request one of Shane Smith’s books: 10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case and Property Damage Guide for Georgia. These books provide valuable tips from an experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer and facts for Georgia injury victims and are available free of charge to Georgia accident victims and their families. Contact our offices at (980) 246-2656

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