What Can You Do When There Are Errors On Your Georgia Accident Police Report

If you’ve been injured in an Atlanta car accident, your immediate concern is your own pain and suffering, not how the accident occurred.  It is not uncommon for an accident victim to look at a police report of an accident and realize there are mistakes or details that have been left out.  When there are errors, it may be necessary to have an accident report changed.
How to change an accident report:
  1. Collect evidence that the original report is incorrect. Evidence can include eyewitness statements, 911 call recordings, or photographs.  
  2. Contact the officer who responded at the scene of your accident. The officer's name and phone number will be on the original accident report.   
  3. Make an appointment to show the officer your evidence and ask him to change the report.  The officer may not be able to make all the changes that you request; the officer can only list facts that he can verify or could verify when he arrived at the scene of the accident. For example, the officer cannot write down that the other driver was speeding unless he witnessed it, but he can list evidence of speeding such as skid marks.

For more information about police reports, read our article “Why is it important to file a police report after an Atlanta car crash? “.  For more tips about what to do after a Georgia traffic accident, download Atlanta car crash attorney Shane Smith’s free book, “10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case.”

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