Can I Sue if My Child is Injured in a Public Swimming Pool?

Summer is one of the best months for children for many reasons: warm weather, summer vacation, playing outside with friends, and, maybe most of all, the chance to enjoy a swimming pool. Swimming pools have been a staple of children’s enjoyment for many years, and it’s a shame that with so much potential fun also comes the threat of serious injury. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 300 children drown and approximately 2,000 receive emergency medical attention each year due to injuries sustained while in and around pools.

If you or a loved one was injured in or around a public swimming pool, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills and other expenses. The best way to get the recovery you deserve is to schedule a consultation with an experienced Peachtree City personal injury attorney at Shane Smith Law as soon as possible.

How can a Pool Operator be Liable for my Injuries?

Swimming pools are great places for you and your children to enjoy the warm weather. Unfortunately, they can also be dangerous because of the open water, concrete, slippery surfaces, and equipment they contain. Public pool operators have a duty of care to the people who swim in their pools and are present on their property. Some things they are required to do are:

  • Provide an adequate number of lifeguards
  • Post the required warning signs
  • Properly install and maintain the equipment and premises
  • Identify and fix any hazardous conditions
  • Maintain the cleanliness of the pool
  • Follow all state and federal regulations

Pool operators that fail to do these things and many others may be found to be negligence and liable for any injuries their negligence has caused. An experienced personal injury attorney from Shane Smith Law can help analyze your case and see if you deserve compensation for a serious injury suffered by you or your loved one in a public swimming pool.

Contact a Peachtree City personal injury attorney for a free consultation

If you or a loved one has sustained serious injury or death at a public swimming pool, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. To schedule a free consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys, please call our office at (980) 246-2656.

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