Neck And Back Injuries: How To Get The Right Medical Care After A Peachtree City Car Crash

If you were in a Georgia car crash and your neck and back hurt, you may be wondering about your health care options:
Should I go to the emergency room right away?
Should I wait until morning and see my doctor?
Should I make an appointment with my regular chiropractor or acupuncturist?

Peachtree City car accident attorney Shane Smith offers this step-by-step guide to help you make sure you get the medical care you need for your injury.  Not only is getting the right medical care crucial to your health, but getting proper treatment is the first step to preserving a possible Georgia accident injury claim.
Step 1: Go to the emergency room.
Anyone who has been injured in a car accident should be screened in the emergency room as soon as possible after the crash.  This is important even if you feel ok.  Trauma physicians are especially trained to look for severe injuries and the insurance company will take an emergency room visit as partial proof of your injury.  Take advantage of the ambulance ride that is offered by the EMTs at the scene.  Patients who arrive in an ambulance get first priority; they don't have to deal with the waiting room.
Step 2: Follow up with your regular doctor.
After you are discharged from the emergency room, call your regular doctor to make an appointment for follow-up treatment.  Make sure to have copies of all your x-rays, CT scans and other tests sent to your doctor's office.  If you have a neck or back injury, ask to be referred to an orthopedist that specializes in spine injuries; do not see a chiropractor, acupuncturist or other alternative health care provider until after you've seen the specialist.  This may make your injury worse.  
Step 3: See a specialist.
An orthopedist specializes in spine, neck and back injuries. He will be able to diagnose serious and hidden injuries that are beyond the expertise of a primary care physician.  Make sure you follow all the directions that the doctor gives you and check with the orthopedist before visiting a chiropractor as chiropractic treatment can have a negative effect on some traumatic injuries.
Following the advice of your doctors will not only help your health, it will also help your injury claim To learn more about protecting your injury claim, request a free copy of Shane Smith's book, 10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case.  To discuss your injury claim with a Peachtree City car accident attorney, contact Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656.
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