Poor Weather does not Excuse Truck Driver Negligence

Semi-trucks are driven by professional drivers who often spend up to 11 hours behind the wheel on an average work day. When a person does the same activity for this many hours at a time on a regular basis they may become desensitized to situations that they encounter on a regular basis. While many of us slow down in rain or other adverse weather conditions, it is not uncommon to see semi-trucks and other commercial vehicles keeping up with the speed limit when poor weather hits. Truck drivers who cause accidents in adverse weather conditions may still be held liable if they were acting negligently or in violation of state or federal regulations. The truck accident lawyers of Shane Smith Law are available to discuss the circumstances of your case with you at no charge, and are dedicated to helping each client we represent obtain the compensation they deserve.

Federal Regulations Regarding Poor Weather and Commercial Vehicles

People who drive commercial vehicles are subject to certain federal and state regulations to which non-commercial drivers are not. For example, under Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations § 392.14, a driver of a commercial vehicle must exercise extreme caution when hazardous conditions exist. In addition, this section requires that a truck driver slow down in poor weather conditions. Any departure from these regulatory standards may be sufficient to establish legal liability on the part of the truck driver or his or her employer. Some of types of conditions that would require that truck drivers drop their speed include the following:

  • Rain
  • Wind
  • Snow
  • Ice
  • Sleet
  • Hail
  • Wintry mix
  • Fog

After an accident, it is important that victims make note of the weather conditions at the time of the accident as well as the approximate speed at which their vehicle was traveling. An experienced truck accident attorney will be able to investigate your accident and determine whether any evidence of negligence on the part of the truck driver exists.

Contact a Peachtree City truck accident attorney for a free consultation

If you or a loved one has been injured in a bad weather truck accident, you may be entitled to significant compensation. To schedule a free consultation with one of our truck accident lawyers, call Shane Smith Law today at (980) 246-2656.

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