Georgia Truck Accident Attorney Shane Smith Explains Trucker’s Hours of Service of Drivers Final Rule

Gwinnett County Accident Attorney Shane Smith Discusses Latest Efforts to Reduce Truck Accidents Nationwide

Statistics just released in October of 2012 paint a bleak picture for truck accidents becoming fewer and fewer. There were approximately 276,000 large trucks involved in collisions that took the lives of over 3,600 people and injured at least 80,000 innocent victims. Compared to 2009, 2010 had 9 percent more large truck accident deaths. More than 3 out of 4 deaths (76%) were innocent victims in other vehicles. Other notable findings include:

  • Nearly half (47%) of Georgia large truck crashes occurred when the truck and other vehicles involved were traveling in the same direction.
  • 9 % of truck accidents involved the opposing vehicle turning.
  • 3 out of 10 large truck accidents were head-on collisions.
  • 13% of all truck accidents occurred while the truck driver was attempting to negotiate a curve.

These statistics are extremely concerning and show that the roads of Georgia and America are very dangerous. If you have been injured from a Georgia truck accident and have suffered injuries and emotional damages, you might be able to commence a personal injury claim against the at-fault parties. By speaking with a Gwinnett County truck accident attorney at Shane Smith Law you will have your case evaluated and will know what your legal rights are. Call (888) 927-6955 to schedule your free consultation today!

Recent developments have made progress to enable truckers to be more rested when they are driving their trucks on the road. With the updated Hours-of-Service (HOS) Regulations, drivers will have a better chance of not being involved in a collision because now they are entitled to the following new work benefits:

  • The maximum hours a truck driver can work is reduced to 70 hours a week from 82 hours. Along with driving, loading, unloading and many other essential functions to their job are covered in this new, lower work-week.
  • Truck drivers are entitled to 30-minute breaks during an eight-hour work period and they cannot operate their truck after working eight hours before getting a rest period of at least 30-minutes.
  • Truck drivers, based on existing regulations, may drive no more than 11 hours before taking their required rest periods.
  • When truck drivers are expected to work 70 hours a week, drivers must take a least two nights over normal sleeping. These two nights of sleeping must occur starting before 1 am and ending after 5 am. As part of the 34-hour restart program, drivers are entitled to have some normalcy of sleeping patterns to combat their fatigue.
  • Full compliance for these new rules must be in place by July 1, 2013. If the driver and/or company are not In compliance with the 11 hour driving period by driving 3 hours or more, respective fines of $11,000 and $2,750 may be assessed.

If you have been injured due to the negligence or recklessness due to a truck driver or the company that owns and operates the truck, you may be entitled to recover for your damages. Talking with a Georgia truck accident attorney enables you to have your individual circumstances evaluated. You will understand how damages are evaluated, what your legal rights are and how to move forward with your life. Don’t wait any longer – call (980) 246-2656 to schedule your free consultation today!    

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