Georgia DUI Injury Attorney Gives Parents of Teens Tips to Reduce Drunk Driving Crashes

Many parents are unaware that their teenage sons and daughters participate in drinking, or that their teenagers attempt to drink and drive, until it is too late. Unfortunately, more teens consume alcoholic drinks than parents realize. In Georgia and throughout this nation, teenage alcohol consumption is a leading contributor to teen deaths in drunk driving crashes. 

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) highlights astonishing statistics on their website, including:

  • Teen alcohol use kills approximately 6,000 people annually, which is greater than all illegal drugs combined
  • 1 in 5 teens binge drink, but only 1 in 100 parents believes their son or daughter binge drinks
  • Car accidents are the number one killer for teens, and 1 out of 3 is an alcohol-related crash
  • Teens are 7 times more likely to be involved in an alcohol-related wreck if they started drinking at a young age

Due to these frightening figures, parents of teens need to provide guidance for their teenage children. If parents can discuss alcohol with their teenagers effectively, then parents may be able to make a life-saving difference in their children’s lives.

If you would like to help your teenage son or daughter avoid drinking and driving, and to help prevent someone else from becoming a victim of a drunk driving crash in Atlanta, our Georgia DUI injury lawyers recommend following these three tips:

  • Be their coach. By discussing underage drinking and the consequences of drinking and driving, you may encourage your teen to make smart decisions. Don’t forget to cheer your teen on to make safe choices.
  • Set rules. Keep track of your teens by setting rules or boundaries and enforcing consequences. However, explain that the boundaries are meant to protect them because you love them. By showing them you care, your teen may respond better to you.
  • Be a positive role model. Lead by example. Drive safely and obey the rules of the road.

If you or a family member has been injured in a wreck in which alcohol and drunk driving were factors, please call Shane Smith Law for a free legal consultation with a Georgia DUI injury attorney.  Additionally, we will happily provide you with a complimentary copy of our book,I Was Hit by a Drunk Driver: What Do I Do Next? The Guide for Victims of Georgia Drunk Driving Accidents.

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