How Social Networking Hurts a Personal Injury Case: Advice From an Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney (Part B)

Status updates, Tweets, or comments about how you are “fine” or “OK” after your accident. Even a simple “I just want to let my friends and family know that I’m OK after the accident last night,” can hurt your case. Sure you might not mean “I’m completely uninjured” or “this accident had no effect on me,” but it can certainly be construed that way. The defense may be able to use a statement like this to show that you are dishonest. If you’re claiming you were hurt and file a personal injury case, you should not state that you're “OK” or “fine,” no matter to what degree of "OK" or "fine" you mean. Just to be safe, avoid talking about your accident and case altogether on your social networking pages.

Comments about your case or the accident by friends or familyJust because you didn’t say it, doesn’t mean it can’t come up in your case. If your best friend posts a photo of you out partying and having a blast the night after your injury occurs, you can’t very well claim pain and suffering. Your statuses, photos, and comments, as well as those of the people with whom you’re closely associated, need to fully support the claim you’re making in court. Ask your friends to be wary of what they’re posting.

Jokes or sarcastic comments about the accident or your case could be taken out of context. You can’t tell a person’s tone of voice online; that’s why it’s imperative you don’t make jokes about your accident, your claim, or your injury. Any sarcastic comment or joke you make could be construed as a statement of fact and used as evidence in your personal injury case. 

If you’re planning to file a personal injury claim after your car accident, read our article “10 Mistakes that can Ruin your Georgia Wreck Case,” and contact an Atlanta personal injury attorney at Shane Smith Law. Call (980) 246-2656

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