Can I Hold the Truck Company Liable for My Injuries After a Trucking Accident in Georgia

Put briefly, yes, truck companies can be held liable for commercial truck accidents when it can be demonstrated that some negligence, recklessness, or other failures to adhere to traffic regulations and those set down by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration occurred. 

In such cases, a Georgia trucking accident lawyer can help you assemble the evidence necessary to build a compelling case that demonstrates the negligence and liability on the part of the truck operator and owner.

The burden is on you and your attorney to demonstrate that negligence or error on the part of the truck operator caused the accident that resulted in your injuries. It may be the case that the fault does not lie solely with the truck driver, however. 

In some situations, there may be a malfunction with the truck’s equipment that contributed to the cause of the accident. The truck company is responsible for maintaining the truck’s mechanical and safety equipment, and when failure to do so causes an accident, additional liability may apply. 

There may also be a malfunction with the equipment that is not due to maintenance but rather arrived from the manufacturer with the defect. In cases such as these, you may have grounds for a product liability claim against the manufacturer. 

Truck accident statistics indicate that smaller vehicle occupants often sustain the brunt of the injury and damage in commercial truck accidents. 

Speak with a Georgia trucking accident lawyer about a negligence liability claim against the culpable parties so that you can get the financial recovery you are lawfully entitled to. You have a right to receive monies for your:  

  • medical expenses;
  • lost wages; and
  • other resultant costs.  

Providing the Legal Help You Need after Commercial Truck Accidents

To learn more about the rights of accident victims and what you can do to protect your negligence liability case, request one of Shane Smith’s books: 10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case and Property Damage Guide for Georgia. These books provide truck accident statistics and valuable tips from an experienced Georgia trucking accident lawyer and are available free of charge to Georgia accident victims and their families. Contact our offices at (980) 246-2656

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