Liability Factors in a Georgia Staircase Slip-and-Fall Accident

When most people hear about a slip and fall accident, they typically think about a person slipping on a slippery surface or spilled liquid. While this type of slip and fall accident is common, thousands of people are injured in staircases every year due to trip, slip, and fall accidents. Sometimes staircase accidents occur due to one’s own clumsiness, but damaged stairs and a property owner’s negligence have contributed to many staircase falls each year.

When a Property Owner May Be Liable for a Staircase Slip-and-Fall Injury

When a slip and fall accident in Peachtree City occurs due to hazards, a property owner or property possessor can be held liable for the injuries victims suffer. Several hazards or dangerous staircase conditions include:

  • Slippery stairs from being over polished or cleaned with the wrong products
  • Thinning, worn-out carpeted stairs
  • Torn carpeting on stairs
  • Nails or staples protruding from the stairs
  • Cracked concrete stairs or uneven stairs
  • Wooden stair boards missing or damaged
  • Missing, loose, or broken handrails
  • Height or depth of stair doesn’t meet building codes
  • Poor lighting in the staircase

When damaged stairs are not repaired or cautioned off, property owners should be held liable for Georgia slip and fall accidents and injuries. Additionally, if handrails are missing or loose, property owners or property possessors should be legally responsible for any injury that results. Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents that result from dangerous stair conditions can cause serious injuries. Anyone injured in a slip and fall accident due to hazardous stairs should be entitled to compensation for their damages such as pain and suffering, x-rays and tests, surgery, medical expenses, lost income, and other losses.

For help filing a Georgia premises liability lawsuit to collect compensation, call an experienced Peachtree slip and fall lawyer who can secure evidence and protect your interests. Shane Smith Law may be able to help you. Call (980) 246-2656 for a free consultation today.

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