Our team at Shane Smith Law will review your case, free of charge, and explain your legal options.
Tired Driver Accident Attorneys in Atlanta
Those at risk for drowsy driving don’t just put their heads down on the steering wheel and start snoring. While this does happen more than it should, typically, there are some signs and symptoms of drowsiness before a driver ever falls asleep at the wheel.
If you are riding in a car with a driver affected by fatigue, there are some tell-tale signs of sleepiness, including:
- Yawning
- Heavy eyelids
- Closing eyes for a bit longer than normal
- Head bopping
- Nodding off or falling asleep for a second
If you are a passenger in a car in which the driver has exhibited these signs, ask the driver if he or she remembers the last few miles he or she has driven. Most likely the driver won’t be able to recall this information. Encourage the driver to pull over and sleep or allow you to drive.
What Do I Do if I Notice the Driver of a Car Next to Me Is Tired?
If you are in a vehicle traveling next to another car and are worried the driver of the other car may be drowsy, there are also signs you may be able to notice.
These signs include:
- Braking for no reason
- Weaving between lanes
- Veering off the road
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
Fatigue slows drivers’ reactions times and leads to car crashes in Georgia and nationwide. If you have been injured in a wreck caused by a drowsy driver, you may have a claim for damages.
Call Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 or complete our online form today.

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