For Help with Personal Injury Lawsuit, Reach Out to Auto Accident Lawyers in Atlanta with Truck Accident Experience (Part A)

If you or a loved one was seriously or fatally injured in a truck accident, you may be entitled to file a personal injury lawsuit against not only the driver but their employer as well. Truck accident claims can be especially complicated so you will want to secure help from auto accident lawyers in Atlanta.

One of the most important aspects of the truck accident claims process is compiling the evidence. Each piece of documentation is vital, with some being especially critical when attempting to prove fault.

Personal Injury Lawsuit: Using the Driver’s Duty Book as Evidence

Although there are all kinds of causes for a truck accident, one of the most common is when the driver is feeling fatigued or actually falls asleep at the wheel. Because of the sheer size and weight of a truck, the chance that the accident can be fatal is significant.

At the very least victims may sustain severe, disabling or life-threatening injuries. When a truck driver has been driving for too many hours on the road and it seriously impacts their judgment, the consequences can be catastrophic.

This is where the driver’s duty book may help. Truck drivers are required to record the amount of driving time and the time spent resting or sleeping. There are regulations pertaining to what can be allowed so you may be able to demonstrate that there was a violation.

Current rules are that truck drivers cannot operate their vehicle for more than 10 consecutive hours, without at least 8 hours of rest. So this still leaves open 16 hours of driving time in a given day. 

While limiting the driving time and alternating it with rest time can help, it may not be enough, or the driver may not abide by these rules and as a result, cause an accident. Since these rules are also subject to change, you should discuss the most current laws with auto accident lawyers in Atlanta - (980) 246-2656.

Get Your Copy Of This Georgia Accident Book - FREE!
10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case is intended to help people with auto accident injuries in the state of Georgia.  It is written to help you maximize your car accident settlement and prevent you from making one of the most common mistakes that will reduce the amount of money you receive from your auto accident settlement.

Don't fall victim to the insurance companies' tricks. Shane Smith is a personal injury attorney who has handled over a thousand of personal injury cases, and is fully aware of  the intentions of the insurance companies and what you should know. You NEED to get this free report before you sign any forms, give any statements, or talk to any adjustors.   Don't be caught off guard when you talk to the insurance company.

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