Georgia DUI Injury Attorney Discusses Underage Drinking

Unfortunately, the issue of teen parties and underage drinking is often ignored or made light of. Many people don’t realize the significant dangers that can accompany parties where underage alcohol consumption occurs, especially when it affects one’s own son or daughter. 

However, parents need to be proactive rather than ignoring these activities in which many teenagers are involved. Children need to hear more from their mom and dad beyond a simple encouragement not to drink. Other messages that teenagers may need to hear from their parents include:

  • If you are at a party where there is alcohol and you end up drinking, do not drink and drive.
  • Do not ride in a car with a driver who has been drinking.
  • If your friend drinks alcohol, don’t let him drive drunk. Friends don’t let friends drink and drive.
  • If you know you are going to a party where there is drinking, designate a sober driver. Better yet, protect yourself by designating yourself as the sober driver.
  • If you don’t have a designated sober driver, then don’t drink.
  • Your priority is to get home safely, even if that means missing curfew.
  • Call someone sober to pick you up, even if that means calling your parents.

Although parents should not condone underage drinking or provide their children with an avenue to, the reality is that many people under age 21 do consume alcohol. It is better for parents to have open discussions with their children than to ignore the topic completely.

If your high school teen has suffered injuries or was killed as a victim of a Georgia drunk driving crash, you and your family have rights to seek a legal recovery. Please call a Georgia DUI injury attorney at Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 to request a free consultation. We can also provide a complimentary copy of our book, I Was Hit by a Drunk Driver: What Do I Do Next? The Guide for Victims of Georgia Drunk Driving Accidents.

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