Atlanta Truck Accident: Avoid Being a Victim by Being Wary of 6 Things

Although any accident can be traumatic, the outcome of an Atlanta truck accident is often severe or fatal. Trucks are at risk of jackknifing, rolling over, and other dangers. If you or someone you love was seriously or fatally injured in Atlanta, contact a truck accident attorney to discuss your case. You may be able to file a claim against the driver. 

Here are 6 things to watch out for that may help prevent an accident with a truck in Atlanta
  • bind spots (be aware of the truck’s blind spots as the driver may not be able to see you);
  • distance between your car and the big rig in front of you (keep enough space in the event the truck must suddenly brake);
  • aggressive driving (speeding, cutting in front of vehicles, not using a signal, frequent lane changes);
  • distracted driving (driver talking on the phone or appears to be engaged in something other than the road in front of them);
  • trucks making wide right turns; and
  • construction/work zones where trucks may be present.

Although these tips can help keep you from being the victim of serious injuries from an accident involving a commercial vehicle, it doesn’t mean that the truck driver will practice safe driving. If you or someone you love is in an accident, collect as much evidence as you can to help prove your claim if you’re eligible.

Seeking Legal Help after an Atlanta Truck Accident

Learning about your rights after being injured in a truck accident is important. You should know what legal options are available and how best to pursue a claim against a negligent driver.

One way to learn about your rights is to read our books which provide helpful tips for injury victims: 10 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Georgia Wreck Case and Property Damage Guide for Georgia. In addition, you may wish to speak with an attorney at Shane Smith Law. Don’t hesitate to contact our office when you have been seriously injured. Call (980) 246-2656.
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