Selecting the Right Wrongful Death Attorney in Douglas County

When you lose someone close to you—a parent, spouse, sibling, or child—due to someone else’s negligence or wrongful act, you need to explore your legal options with an attorney. You’ve heard you may be able to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit in Georgia, but you aren’t sure how to go about doing so. How can you find the right attorney to help with your case?

Wrongful death cases are complex, so it is critical that you look at lawyers who have experience representing victims’ families in wrongful death matters. However, before you select just anyone, find out some things about that attorney, including:

  • Is he or she local? You should select a wrongful death lawyer who is local—here in the state of Georgia. A Georgia-licensed attorney has knowledge of Georgia wrongful death laws.
  • What is his or her experience? Be wary of hiring someone who has not tried or settled many wrongful death cases. It takes a lot of time for an attorney to develop the skills needed to help you and your family recover fully. If you choose a lawyer with experience in another area of the law—like, business and tax law—then you may miss out on receiving the full amount of compensation you deserve.
  • What is his or her track record? Ask the attorney if he or she has had successful cases similar to yours. If the attorney hesitates or can’t recall a past successful case, continue your search.
  • Does he or she offer free consultations? You should be able to meet with an attorney before deciding to hire him to represent you. A consultation will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions like the ones listed here, and to find out more about the attorney’s skills. If the lawyer doesn’t offer you a free consultation, move on. 
  • Do you feel comfortable with him or her? When dealing with the loss of your loved one, one of the most important things is to have a good support system, which includes a compassionate attorney who also can be aggressive in the courtroom. You should feel comfortable working with the lawyer you select, and know that he or she has your best interest in mind.

The loss of a family member is a painful and extremely difficult time. Help yourself by finding an attorney who is sensitive to your needs, and who can help you recover fully and move forward after your loss. For a complimentary consultation, call Shane Smith Law at (980) 246-2656 to speak with an experienced wrongful death lawyer in Atlanta today.

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