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Slip & Fall Attorney in Charlotte

Injured in a Slip & Fall Accident in Charlotte, NC

Slip and fall accidents are common in many places where people go to have fun. Amusement parks, movie theaters, grocery stores, hotels, and many other businesses have floors that are designed to be slick and to keep people from falling. Unfortunately, these floors are not always kept clean and safe. When they are not, slip-and-fall accidents can happen.

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit against the business that was responsible for your injury. To succeed in your case, you will need the help of an experienced slip-and-fall lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve.

At Shane Smith Law, we know how to fight for the rights of slip-and-fall accident victims. Our team of attorneys is dedicated to helping people who have been wronged, and we are ready to put our experience to work for you. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, you deserve fair compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Contact us online or call (980) 246-2656 to schedule a free consultation with our team.

What Causes Slip and Fall Accidents?

A slip-and-fall accident refers to an incident where an individual loses balance or traction and falls due to slipping or tripping on a surface or object. It typically involves a person's foot unexpectedly encountering a slippery or unstable surface, resulting in a loss of stability and causing them to fall to the ground.

The term "slip" specifically refers to instances where the surface is slippery or lacks sufficient traction, while "trip" pertains to situations where the person's foot makes contact with an object or uneven surface, leading to a loss of balance.

Common slip and fall accident causes include:

  • Hazardous surfaces: Slippery surfaces are a major cause of falls. These surfaces can include wet or oily floors, freshly waxed or polished floors, ice or snow-covered walkways, loose carpets or rugs, uneven flooring, or damaged and cracked pavement.
  • Poor lighting: Insufficient or inadequate lighting can make it difficult for people to see potential hazards, such as steps, obstacles, or changes in floor levels. Dimly lit areas can increase the risk of tripping or slipping.
  • Uneven or damaged flooring: Uneven or damaged flooring, including cracked tiles, loose floorboards, or uneven carpeting, can pose tripping hazards. Sudden changes in elevation, such as steps or ramps without proper markings, can also lead to falls.
  • Weather conditions: Slip and fall accidents often occur during adverse weather conditions like rain, ice, or snow. Wet or icy surfaces can significantly reduce traction, making it easier to slip and fall.
  • Lack of handrails or guardrails: Staircases, ramps, and elevated platforms without proper handrails or guardrails increase the risk of falls. These safety features provide stability and support, especially for individuals with balance or mobility issues.
  • Improper footwear: Inappropriate footwear, such as high heels, slippery-soled shoes, or shoes with worn-out treads, can contribute to slip and fall accidents. Footwear without proper traction or stability increases the chances of losing balance and falling.
  • Cluttered walkways: Objects or debris left on floors, walkways, or stairs can create hazards. Cluttered areas may obstruct the path, leading to trips and falls.
  • Inadequate warning signs: Lack of proper signage to indicate potential dangers, such as wet floors or areas under construction, can increase the risk of accidents. Warning signs play a crucial role in alerting individuals to exercise caution and take necessary precautions.
  • Negligence or lack of maintenance: Failure to address and rectify known hazards in a timely manner can contribute to slip and fall accidents. Neglected maintenance, such as not fixing broken stairs or neglecting to clear debris, can make an environment unsafe.

Common Places for Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip-and-fall accidents can occur in various settings and can result in injuries ranging from minor bruises to more severe consequences, such as broken bones, sprains, or head trauma.

Here are some common locations where slips and falls commonly occur:

  • Homes: Slips and falls can occur in different areas of a home, such as a bathroom (due to wet floors, slippery surfaces, or inadequate bath mats), stairs (due to uneven steps or lack of handrails), kitchens (due to spills or slippery surfaces), or poorly maintained outdoor areas (such as driveways, walkways, or garden paths).
  • Workplace: Slips and falls are a significant concern in workplaces. Common areas include offices (due to wet floors, cords, or cluttered walkways), construction sites (due to uneven terrain, debris, or inadequate safety measures), factories or warehouses (due to slippery surfaces, spills, or poorly maintained floors), and retail stores or restaurants (due to wet floors, loose rugs, or obstacles in walkways).
  • Retail stores and supermarkets: Slips and falls often occur in retail stores and supermarkets due to various factors, including spills or leaks from refrigeration units, wet or freshly mopped floors, inadequate signage, uneven flooring, or cluttered aisles.
  • Public places: Slips and falls can happen in public areas, such as parks, sidewalks, parking lots, or playgrounds. Poorly maintained pavements, cracked sidewalks, icy or snowy pathways, inadequate lighting, or obstacles can contribute to accidents.
  • Healthcare facilities: Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities are not exempt from slip and fall accidents. Factors that contribute to such accidents in healthcare settings include wet floors, spills, inadequate handrails, poorly maintained wheelchair ramps, or lack of non-slip surfaces.
  • Restaurants and food service establishments: In restaurants, slip and falls can occur in areas such as kitchens (due to wet floors, grease spills, or inadequate floor mats), dining areas (due to spills, debris, or uneven flooring), or entryways (due to wet or slippery surfaces).
  • Schools and educational institutions: Slip and falls can happen in schools, colleges, or universities. Factors contributing to these accidents include wet floors, damaged or uneven flooring, cluttered hallways, or inadequate maintenance of outdoor areas.
  • Sports and recreational facilities: Slips and falls are a concern in sports and recreational facilities such as gyms, swimming pools, skating rinks, or sports fields. Wet or slippery surfaces, inadequate maintenance, or lack of proper safety measures can increase the risk of accidents.

No matter where you were when you were injured, you may be entitled to compensation if you can prove the accident was caused by a dangerous or defective condition. Let our firm help you obtain the most favorable outcome.

Contact us today at (980) 246-2656 to schedule a free consultation.